Growing Closer to God
How do you grow closer to God? In youth group Dan will ask that question, though maybe with different words, but I feel the answers are always the same – by reading the Bible, praying, all leading to spending time with God. Though those answers are 100% right, I feel they are such the cliche answers.
How do YOU grow closer to God? Yes there are general ways to accomplish this, but I feel like for each person, that sequence of the “how to” is different. I realized there is a difference for Dan and I. Dan feels close to God in the woods. Dan loves walking through the woods or nature – how can one NOT believe in God? He has a camouflage Bible that he takes with him hunting and will just sit and read and read. This year at deer camp, he was reading the minor prophets – go Dan I said, because that usually isn’t the first set of books that I turn to!
One way I grow closer to God, is through music. I love to sing when I am by myself. I love to blare music in our house (of course when I am by myself again :)). I love to play the piano. Music is a big part of my life. Sometimes I will be singing a song and when I really try to apply what I am singing, it really hits me. It makes me ponder and reflect on God. There is a reason why the psalms talk so much about music -because that is obviously a way that people of long ago connected with God.
Another way I feel I grow closer to God, is actually through other people. I believe that everyone we come into contact with, we can learn from, whether that be positive or negative. In my life, I have been so blessed to have people challenge me in my faith. I LOVE to hear faith stories – faith being challenged, God shaping life stories, and faith being uplifted. God is ALWAYS at work. I love to sit with people, whether that be standing in an aisle, or sitting and having coffee. I love to listen to other people’s stories. They always challenge me – even if they think they don’t “have a story.” I don’t like it when people say they don’t have a testimony if they are a Christian. YES THEY DO! God is using THEM in a unique way to fulfill His plan.
How do Dan and I grow closer to God together? Through prayer. Every night before we go to bed, we spend time in prayer. Granted to do it before and after meals too, but it’s that time before we go to sleep, that we calm our hearts and let it all out to God. We also love to take walks together. To experience God’s creation. I remember when we were dating we were talking about this very question -connecting with God. We had very different ways. Dan has taught me a lot. I don’t take time to just “be.” Time to BE in His creation. Time to BE still. Time to BE listening to God. I usually am a go, go, go person. But lately I’ve really tried to change that and Dan has helped me with that. Just soaking in God’s creation, I can feel that connection with God growing. I now that sounds kinda “new-agey” and I don’t mean for it to come across that way, but God reveals himself in so many ways!
Look at your day. How do you grow closer to God? Do you look for God in the small stuff? In other people? I think prayer and reading the Bible are so incredibly important! By reading the Bible we find out who God is and His character. But God has revealed himself in many other ways too.
I feel so blessed to be able to experience God in so many ways in my life. God puts me in awe everyday at what He does. I think of the songs, Let All Things Now Living and All Things Bright and Beautiful. God is amazing and Holy Holy Holy is Our Lord God Almighty!