Halloween 2016

Our sweet Mazy Grace turned FIVE yesterday! This age brings MUCH anticipation for the day and she just couldn’t believe it was her BIRTHDAY. Oh how I love living life through the eyes of a child at times! This past weekend Mazy was able to have birthday parties with both sides of the family and…
It has been a CRAZY weekend, which I can’t WAIT to share more about in the next few days! I’ll give you a hint…it has to do with finding a place to live, but until then… Here’s a glimpse at our week in picture: One wonderful thing about having a sister who had all girls…
With summer coming to a close, something that never gets old are s’mores. Am I right? I feel like there is always time for a s’more! And what I love about s’mores, is that there are so many ways to make ’em – that ooey gooey goodness! With today being National Toasted Marshmallow Day (who…
I just received an email that the Lumebox is almost SOLD OUT… BUT…if it does, you can also still order as a “preorder” and it will ship the week of February 24, in case it does sell out. Here is why we love it: If you are still looking to get one, there is time!…
Our family was quite excited for Christmas and especially seeing Mazy just soak in everything related to Christmas! Oh to see Christmas through the eyes of a 3 year old! She truly made us soak in every moment without missing a beat! Her smile, her wonder, and her awe…makes me look to our Father in…
I realized that either I didn’t have much going on this week or I was too busy to take pictures…well I say this past week was an even mix. So, not much to update in pictures, but it sure was a fun week! For New Year’s Eve we went to our friend’s house and had…