Heart Journey Update

I just wanted to give a quick update on the latest discoveries.
Yesterday I had two tests, an EVO2 where I had an EKG and ECHO, then walked on the treadmill for as long as I could, then quickly laid on the bed for another ECHO. It was very hard…not easy to do while being short of breath. It took me about 45 minutes to recover from it, which I’m realizing if I went on a run, I would recover in 5-10 minutes.
My second test was a PFT (pulmonary function test) where you sit in a capsule and do various breathing rhythms to test the lungs.
As of early last night, I had not heard the results, but received the news that I would have a right heart cath today. That was a bit alarming because I was told the cath would be outpatient. So I asked my nurse if we could ask the NP and see if she knew anything. The NP came late last night and said that the PFT test came back normal, which rules out lung issues. As for the EVO2, it did show heart wall damage, which we knew I had because of a mild heart attack in my past, but I’m not sure if it’s gotten worse. Also, my ejection fraction seemed to have gotten worse (tracked as 15-20%, where prior we thought it was 31%), which is contradictory to previous results, but I was having so many PVCs that it was hard to get an accurate read. Which the frequency of the PVCs is telling as well.
So what they concluded was that my heart failure could just be getting worse, but a right heart catheterization today would hopefully give us clearer answers. That will determine truly what the EF is and if the heart is indeed failing even more, which would completely explain my symptoms. The valves are just fine which is good, but the rest of the heart may not be doing as well as we had hoped, considering how many PVCs I am still having while on an anti-arrhythmia med. And considering how short of breath I get.
There are still plenty of questions out there, but the lungs are ruled out, and heart failure seems to be winning the race. I also received a 48-hour holter monitor that will help determine where and how many PVCs I am having, to determine if any ablations can be done. So between all of this, a better idea will be had.
Of course I’m eager to bust out of here, but I don’t want to leave without answers. So I’m thankful we are able to Lord-willing finish up the testing in the next day or so and I’m so hopeful that I can be home by the weekend!
Thank you for your continued prayers. Praise God that I don’t have issues with my lungs, but please pray that the tests will come back clear with answers as to what is really going on with my heart. We were hopeful the ECHOs would show the failure, but my heart is beating so out of whack that it wasn’t giving them a clear idea (I had 3 ECHOs). So it’s time for a cath that will hopefully prove or disprove our thoughts.
I will update again after I receive the results. Thanks again for all of the support and love you’ve shown our family!
Praying sweetie!! ??
Thank you, April!