Her Room Is Coming Along!
Dear Mazy Grace, Sweet girl, you are THREE! Happy Birthday! What an exciting and adventurous year it has been! We are continually in awe of the compassionate heart you have, the love you have to give, and the heart God has given you. You are filled with so much affection, with hugs and kisses always…
This past Sunday we had a little 1st birthday party for our little Mazy Grace! When Dan and I were talking about having a party, I asked him what he thought the theme should be, since I was having a hard time coming up with one that fit Mazy. Dan said “dogs, of course!” and…
It was but 2 or 3 days ago, that I was told that we were supposed to get some snow. Not a huge shocker, since we live in Minnesota. Then I heard that we could possibly get 12 inches of snow. That is when I say “psshhh won’t happen”. So many times, storms either scoot…
Life has been a bit crazy lately, but don’t we all just have those weeks sometimes? Dan and I often say that even though there are crazy seasons of life, sometimes they just end up being crazy weeks and then the next week looks completely different. Do you know what I’m talking about? I feel…
We have survived a week without her wubs! Last week I had cut the paci off and ever since, she has said it’s “broke, sad.” It was a rough first couple of days, nights, and naptime, but now she only asks about wubs about once a day. We have also been working on getting her…
Another gorgeous weekend here in Minnesota! A heat wave is now approaching – temps have been in the high 70s for the past couple of weeks! This week it looks like we will be hitting the mid-90s once again. Tis the summer season, so we should expect this! On Friday, some of our friends invited…