Here, For A Purpose

Acts 17:26-27 says, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.”
These two verses have been a life-changer for me. I have had the privilege of speaking at various events and churches, and each time I do, I often hear people say that they can see a purpose for their life and that God truly has given them a story to tell.
And not only has God given YOU a story to tell, but he specifically has put you where he has, for a reason. In those 2 verses, it is very clear that God not only has a specific purpose for each of us, but also we are to bloom where we are planted, as the ole saying goes. If you ever wonder if you are here by chance, think about this:
God has put you in your specific town, your specific house, for a reason.
God had you born in the year you were, for a reason.
God made you the race and gender he has, for a reason.
God has designed you specifically, to have the qualities you do, for a reason.
As it says in those verses, God is specific and purposeful in how he designed his world. To have certain people live, during certain time periods. Not all the Mother Teresa’s of this world, lived during the same time she did. And there is only ONE Mother Teresa, who lived where she did, for a very specific purpose. Why are we often inspired by her? Because she bloomed where she was planted.
We have moved only twice, and each time, I know that God has had a specific purpose for each place we lived. And really, there were numerous purposes during those periods of our life. When I think about how much God cares about the little details of my life, it honestly is honoring and peace-giving, knowing that he has an incredible purpose for me here, in this state, in our town, on our street, and in our house. It makes me want to live my life to the fullest, knowing he has ordained what he has, specifically with me in mind.
Truly. God thought of YOU and designed YOU, to be where you are. Yes, he may move you and that’s okay. You’ve still got purpose, friend! I always loved the idea of living in the 1950s. Why I really don’t know, but it has just always intrigued me. God knew though, that in 1983, Kristin needed to be born, so that I could best accomplish his purposes, for his glory, during this time period. Again, think about the year you were born – for a reason, my friend.
Allow yourself to just think about this idea. Mull it over. Let it sink into your heart. Anytime you start to question your purpose or why you are here on this earth, remember that these little truths will not only set you free, but also give you a reason to believe that you too, can bloom where you are planted.