High School Retreat
A fabulous meal enjoyed. Whether it be a holiday, a birthday, or an average day. The family is satisfied and it’s time to clean up. You look at what’s left and wonder how in the world you are ever going to get rid of all of the leftovers. Was it worth the effort make all…
A few more pictures of our vacation to the Florida Keys… One of our most favorite places we visited was Bahia Honda State Park. We loved it so much that we ended up going there twice! The pictures will have you sold! This is 7 mile bridge – it is one LONG bridge, that stretched…
If you are a Karen Kingsbury fan, she now has a NEW MOVIE coming out, based on one of her books! I often find myself getting hooked quickly in her stories and after watching the trailer for this movie, I think I’m going to enjoy this movie just as much! Based on the popular novel…
You are shopping with a friend. You see a GREAT deal, but know that you don’t really need it. You think “eh, I’ll just pay for it later.” Cha-ching. You pay with your credit card. You go to the next store or even shop a few days later and say the same thing. Then the…
THANK YOU to all those who filled out my blogging survey that I posted a few weeks ago! It was incredibly helpful to know what you preferred to read about. With that said, if you would like to give me some feedback on the blog (no worries, you can stay anonymous if desired), you can…
Choices Choice is defined as “an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities” according to the lovely Google. A simple definition, but what a battle it presents! Think of how many choices you have to make in a given day: To get out of bed What to make…