How I Clean My House With Norwex: Kitchen

Start with the Enviro Cloth.

Dampen an Enviro Cloth.

Wipe down the sink with the Enviro Cloth.

Wipe down appliances with same Enviro Cloth
Sweep the floors
This process should only take you 10 minutes at the MOST. Can you spare 10 minutes in your week to clean your kitchen? With these Norwex products, you will transform your kitchen to a shiny and chemically CLEAN room. Who wants to have food sitting in chemicals on the counter? No thank you. That is why cleaning with the enviro cloth, window cloth, and superior mop system is the way to go. If the cleaning paste is needed, remember it is environmentally friendly, and is phosphate and acid-free. In that case, I do not mind if I have food sitting on my counters!
Cleaning the kitchen has become a much more enjoyable process for me personally. I will never go back to my “regular” cleaning products, thanks to Norwex!
If you are interested in buying any of the Norwex products mentioned above, email me at