How I Clean My House With Norwex: Living Room

One of the benefits of using Norwex products is that you can clean your entire house without having to wheel a cart behind you with all of the cleaning products needed to complete the project. With Norwex, you only need to use a handful of items to get the job done!
Wipe down all electronics and lamps with your window cloth or dust mitt
Dust the coffee table, end tables, shelves, piano, and other furniture with a wet or dry dusting mitt
Spot clean your carpets with a wet enviro cloth; you can use the carpet stain buster if needed
Sweep your floors with the dry (yellow) superior mop and then follow up with the wet (blue) superior mop.
(You will see all of the dust, hair, pet hair, and dirt lifted and GONE with the superior mop system).
NO bottles needed, except optional stain buster. Keep a clean and chemical clean home by using Norwex. If you are interested in trying out Norwex, check out my website. If you have any questions about Norwex or why I started using Norwex, please email me at