How Limits Set Us Free
Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it?
Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it?
Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere! But…have you wondered how you can stay up to date on my latest posts? Or follow me elsewhere in the social media world? In case you’ve been wondering these very things, here’s how: SUBSCRIBE to get my latest posts emailed to you whenever I have a new post up….
I am still loving the Bible study book we are doing, “Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be.” This week was on “Management Tools.” One of the lessons was on maximizing your day. Do you ever have it when at the end of the day, you think – where did this day go? Or,…
WE ARE HERE! Wednesday we woke up to 10-11 inches of snow! We were SO thankful that God chose to send that snow on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday night because we spent a good chunk of time Wednesday morning just clearing off snow so that we COULD finish packing. We then had to put…
Do you have the desire to have all of your family favorite recipes in one cookbook? Do you find yourself calling your mom often for a recipe? Do you wish to pass on recipes from your childhood to your kiddos one day? About 10 years ago, I wanted to make a family cookbook. I had…
New 2 month series on how to simplify your life starting TODAY! Simple living and organizing life with less, is something I have been passionate about for years now. Many emails and questions I get, are about the desire to live with less. Live a simpler life. Life a contented life. Is there a “perfect”…
Glad one of us is normal! Today is our 9 year anniversary! Hard to believe that it has been NINE YEARS since we got married, but those years have sure been a thrill ride! When Dan and I sit back and think about the past 9 years, we…