How Limits Set Us Free

Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it?
Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it?
Christmas is fast approaching? Are you ready? I sometimes feel when people ask the question whether I am ready or not, I feel I have to have this huge checklist checked off, with nothing but Christmas bliss left. Christmas shouldn’t be about a to-do list. Yet that is what we have made it to be….
The American dream. We all have an idea of what that looks like. We dream. We look through magazines. We pin ideas on Pinterest. We shop. We look at other’s homes and have home envy. We watch our favorite TV shows, dreaming of buying the size home the couples on these shows buy. …
If you haven’t read “A Heartbeat of Grace” yet, here is where you can find one: To get a SIGNED copy and sent to your house: Email me at! Blog: Click the picture above my profile picture, then click the green Add To Cart button to order it via PayPal! Unsigned copy: Amazon –…
I have had the privilege of talking with a few of you about what to do after you have decluttered, decluttered some more, and MORE. You are at the point where you feel you are as far as you can be – where getting rid of more, means getting rid of “the hard things.” So…
Don’t forget to sign up for this giveaway! Based on the beloved novel by Jason F. Wright, CHRISTMAS JARS shares the story of Hope Jensen, a reporter who uncovers the remarkable secret behind a holiday phenomenon: money-filled glass jars anonymously given to people in need. The New York Times bestseller has created a new holiday…
This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure here. I have been so excited to share about some changes we have made in our home since I was diagnosed with cancer. When you’re diagnosed with a disease that changes much of your life, you can’t help but take a look AT your life and wonder how…