How To Have A Stress-Free Pregnancy: Where to Begin

Having a child is supposed to be a fun and exciting time. Yet for some, the thought of having a child may bring an utter sense of fear and apprehension. When you consider all the things that “need” to be done, with your to-do list the size of a thick novel, you may wonder if you will ever be ready for this child?
I remember having feelings of apprehension early on, wondering if I was doing everything “right”. Wondering where to even begin? The day after we had a positive home pregnancy test, I remember talking to a friend and she suggested that the best way to ease any nerves, is to just go in and get a confirmed pregnancy test done by the doctor.
Wisest advice ever! Seems like the most simple thing to do, but having that initial appointment right away, helped ease my mind, while having many questions answered – especially the question:
I am not an expert. I am not a doctor. I am have not even given birth to our first child yet. So take these thoughts for what they are worth. What I do have, is the perspective of a first-time mom. So what are some simple steps you can take now, while pregnant, to ensure you have a stress-free pregnancy?
- Find the right doctor for YOU. Typically recommendations are helpful, but know your body and know your situation. For example, the whole reason we waited so long to have children was because my heart was not healthy enough. When we found out it finally was (through many prayers), we knew that it would still be a high-risk pregnancy. Yes, I would have loved to have kept my family doctor, but knowing my situation, I knew that seeing a high-risk OB was necessary. That is when a long-time nurse suggested seeing one of the best OBs in town. And to this day, it was the best choice we have made!
- Listen to your doctor. They probably have helped with 100s of deliveries. In fact, they have seen it ALL. They have been asked every question in the book. Don’t ever think there is a “dumb” question because I almost guarantee you that they have been asked it in the past! They also know what they are doing – I find that putting trust in them, takes a lot of worry off mom. If my doctor isn’t worried about it, then why should I be? For instance, I wondered about sleeping on my back. He kept telling me my body will let me know when it’s not okay and to not worry about it. I didn’t understand that, but he was right. Children are born healthy, even if you find yourself waking up on your back. I have also learned it’s not always comfortable, so he was right. If they aren’t worried, then you are to not worry!
- Talk to your friends who have been there. Sometimes the last thing people want is another opinion because the opinions are all different (hence them being an opinion!) What I have found to be incredibly valuable is talking to the friends who are closest with you. I find I value their opinion because my friends are somewhat similar to me – in thinking, in lifestyle, etc. So hearing about their experiences and thoughts, has helped me decipher what is normal and what is not. Friends are such a gift and don’t take for granted the friendship you have with them – even while pregnant! Be ready to open yourself up – and when you do, be ready for some incredible advice!
- Don’t wish away time. Okay, that first trimester is interesting. Your body is going through so many changes, your appetite is everything well, BUT an appetite, and your pillow never sounded so good. But in the midst of all of those changes, there is something that is constant – a growing child inside. In thinking about some of those days when you wonder if you will ever feel up to par again, just remember the big picture. Soaking in every feeling, every moment, and every thought of that child inside, makes the process and those feelings worth it. Don’t let the negative outweigh the miracle of the big picture!
- Take care of yourself. Believe it or not, I found that even though food was hard to eat at times, it was WHAT I ate, that made a big difference. Listen to what your body is telling you. Fatigue was huge for me – doing the simplest of tasks, I felt like I ran a marathon. Then I read in one of my books that yes, being pregnant, with all of the changes, can be the equivalent OF running a marathon. I didn’t see that as an excuse, but as confirmation that I was NOT crazy, but did need rest. I know that many do not have the chance to sit or even listen to their bodies as much as they would like, but do what you can. If your body is telling you no, you probably shouldn’t do it! Your baby is already smarter than you think!
- Exercise if you can. Even though exercising was sometimes the last thing I wanted to do (especially in the first trimester), I knew it wasn’t only good for me, but my baby. Staying active I think is very important and drinking enough liquids, can make or break a day. Even if it’s something as simple as walking around the block. I stuck with my jogging routine until about 17 weeks (now I am strictly walking), but I am so thankful I did. Staying healthy and staying active in my mind, helped me sleep better at night and I felt energized even if only for a few hours at a time.