How To Organize On A Budget

Read the title of my blog and it’s in your face: organizing.
For some, the word “organizing” causes one to cringe because they can’t imagine having an organized life – let alone an organized life with LESS.
Do you ever think “but organizing costs MONEY!” If organizing DID cost money, I would tend to agree – why would you want to organize, only to find out that you have to spend money in order to do so? A double-whammy!
1. Looking for totes? Use what you already have! If you are decluttering, you are bound to discover unused and empty totes, boxes, bins, etc.
2. When organizing a certain area, try to fit everything in that category in ONE bin – that way you don’t have to buy MORE bins to fit everything. For example, if you have fall decor, have all of it fit in one bin. If you have keepsakes – put them all in ONE bin.

What are your favorite items from around the house that you use to organize with?
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