Since I started blogging, I have had the privilege of being introduced to many practical, useful, time-saving, and unique products. I can be very skeptical of multi-level marketing companies, as I feel they are always trying to get me to buy what I don’t need. I am too Dutch to spend my money on something that is way overpriced, not worth my time, and something I quite frankly don’t need. I have become even MORE obsessed about not having more than what I need, but having quality versus quantity, and finding the fastest and most efficient way to do something. I write often about cleaning, maintaining the home, and “going green” in the sense of using environmentally safe ingredients and foods. I was then introduced to the website
Environmental Working Group, that grades cleaners for example, by how environmentally friendly they are. I was appalled.
I knew there had to be a better way of cleaning and maintaining our home, that didn’t use these harmful chemicals that we then inhaled, ingested, and touched. Insert NORWEX. I was introduced to this company when we moved to Minnesota. I went to a Norwex party, received and started using a few of their products. I was hooked. I mean “got rid of my other cleaning supplies” hooked. Norwex was what I was looking for.
Why? Because the majority of my cleaning is done with ONE CLOTH (Enviro Cloth) and WATER. I know, too good to be true? Nope! How? For example, the microfiber clothes are made up of fibers that are 1/200 the size of that of human hair. Those little fibers lift and collect dust/dirt, instead of pushing it. Plus, they self-purify within 24 hours, preventing that nasty “wet cloth” smell. You may like the “clean” smell, but realize that “clean” often means harmful chemicals in order to “make” it smell clean. Norwex products are as environmentally safe as you can get, while getting the job done.
I am cheap. Are the products overpriced? This Dutch girl says NO because they are worth every penny of what they do. It is an investment as you will soon realize, as you won’t be buying multiples of every kind of cleaner! Norwex products do what they say they do.
Here are a few examples of how Norwex transformed our home:
I could not get that lime/rust/calcium buildup off of our tub. I tried what seemed like every cleaner from the store.
Then I tried the Descaler and Cleaning Paste combined…
The stains are almost completely GONE!
Same with our kitchen sink…
Just used the Descaler and Cleaning Paste!
Our oven sure needed some help, so I tried their Oven and Grill Cleaner:
Our oven has never looked better! (Though I do need to stop spilling food!)
This is our toilet paper holder – all I used was the Enviro Cloth and water!
I am not a crazy go-in-the-home seller of Norwex. With having a baby, I find that leaving the house isn’t as easy as it used to be and honestly, I am okay with that! I know many other moms are in the same boat. That is why I have found that having online Facebook parties, is the way to spread the word about an idea or product. I have done several facebook parties and all of them have been successful, in meaning that the “host” received HUNDREDS of dollars worth of free products!The way facebook parties work: all you would do is let me know you would like to host one. I would set up the facebook page and then I would let you know when it is ready to go. All you would do then, is invite your friends. That is IT. I take care of the rest. We decide on a date and I do live postings on the date and time set, that include videos and pictures of what Norwex products can do. It is the easiest way to get free products without having to prep your home because everything is done online!
If this is something you are at all interested in, send me an email at Also, if you have ANY questions, do not hesitate to ask! It doesn’t matter where you live and where you invite people from because all the products ordered, are ordered online (unless the person lives close to the host), and are sent directly TO the customer! So again, it really is a no-hassle way to earn free products!
Meanwhile, if you are interested in buying any products, take some time to look through the website and order anything from an individual cloth to a package! I highly recommend trying out the Enviro Cloth, window cloth, dish cloth, dust mitt, cleaning paste, and mop. I mentioned above, that all these products can be found on my website.
If you have ANY questions, do not hesitate to ask! I hope you find just as much excitement and practical use for these products as I do! I am excited to continue to show you how I have transformed our home into a Norwex CLEAN home!
Kristin Sterk
Norwex Independent Sales Consultant
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