In Whose Palm Is Your Life?

Isn’t it wild to think that 5 years ago, we were on the brink of months of stay-at-home orders? A time of life where we weren’t shifting from one thing to the next because we had no where to go?
One of the things I deeply appreciated about that “unwelcomed” time was well, time to think.
Having gone through cancer twice now, it has really shaped the way I view my time andhow I want to live my life. I was forced into a “COVID-type” life of seclusion, “stay-at-home” orders, and daily lived with the fear of getting sick. Ironically COVID was great practice for post-transplant life!
But when you’re forced to be at home, minimizing contact with people, it’s easy to just pick up our phones to fill those voids, isn’t it? But here’s the deal:
- Have you ever thought when it comes to scrolling, there is no end? So what is yours?
- Have you ever considered your phone habits that what you search, actually forms who you are? Where your mind goes, thus your heart and life go as well?
- Have you ever thought that maybe we aren’t supposed to know everything?
- Have you ever thought about how much you try to control your life with your phone? Where your kids are at? Your heat? Your relationships? Your spiritual life? Your day based on the weather apps? So much of our lives are based on what our phones say.
My friend, we are no more in control than we were 100 years ago. Even though we think we are! We lost so much “control” during COVID, or at least we thought we did. I thought I lost so much control during my cancer treatments because my life felt so out of control. But guess what? I was no more in control before cancer than I was during. And I’m no more in control now.
How many of us are trying to be like God? Holding a phone in the palm of our hand instead of releasing control to the One who holds EVERYTHING in the palm of HIS hand? Why carry something we aren’t meant to carry? Give it all back to Him. No phone will ever replace His sovereignty.