Investing In Us

Over the past 3 weeks, we have had the privilege of family coming out from Michigan, to meet Miss Mazy Grace! The first weekend, my parents came out and then the next weekend, Dan’s mom came out, and then this past weekend, my mom, sister, and her 4 girls came to visit. It has been…
The other day I was on a walk, praying, and thanking God for keeping this dream alive! In less than 5 weeks, we will be meeting our baby girl. Are we ready for her to make her debut? OH YEAH! Am I ready to be done being pregnant? Mixed thoughts…only because I love feeling her…
It is the most wonderful time of the year! We are now out of quarantine and we sure tried to live up the last of it to the fullest! Of course we couldn’t be around people, but we could enjoy the outdoors, the beautiful creation God has given us! Quarantine sure taught us a lot,…
After getting our life back in order this past week after a trip to Minnesota, we are just so thankful for our life! I know that sounds weird in a way to say, but truly, we are so thankful for where God has taken us and just the life He has given us! He has…
Last Wednesday, Dan and I flew out to Jacksonville, Florida, for Lauren Vriezema’s wedding. This was a trip that we were looking SO forward to because those who know us, know how close we are with the Vriezema family. We have a special bond with each member of their family and Brenda even carried our…
As I said in my last post, I did stop breastfeeding. When I first became pregnant, a common question asked is “are you going to breastfeed?” I often said that I would give it a try and see what happens. Really though, what I meant while screaming inside was “YES!” Breastfeeding is something that I…