Islamorada Vacation – Part 2

That high-pitched and piercing scream as the vacuum’s voice went into a deep throat-ed groan. I will never forget that moment, when I turned around with the vacuum hose in hand, as I see my daughter pulling her hand from the bottom of the vacuum. The picture in my head of Mazy playing quietly in…
Tip #6 – Downsize your hobbies. This may mean a LOT of work…this may mean a little work. How many of us have all the supplies to do a certain project, but have never done it? Or started it, but have not finished it? Believe it or not, hobbies are one of the things that…
With Cyber Monday HERE, I wanted to share with you my favorite toy deals! These are all items that Mazy has proven to be tried and true! The puffy stickers? GREAT church item! They also come with different scenes. Magnetic tiles? Absolutely a creative activity every time. The card games? Slap jack is her favorite!…
Our final big summer event of the year has come and gone, all too quickly! Last week, we headed to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, for Dan’s family vacation in Munising. If you are wondering what this town has to offer, think Pictured Rocks National Park. Dan and I were both here as kids, but…
This post is maybe a little out of the ordinary for this blog, but I want to open up the invitation for you to join a Norwex Online Facebook Party on Tuesday, May 19! Some of you may have already “come” to my Norwex online party before, but I wanted to extend the invitation to…
Last night Dan and I wanted to go exploring. I told Dan that at some point we HAVE to go to New Ulm, where New In Town (the movie) is based out of – I remember reading somewhere though, that the movie is filmed in Canada. So I am not sure what parts are actually…