It Was MY Sin
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday always bring about so many emotions.
It is on this weekend, I just feel so overwhelmed with God’s love. I look at my life. I look at my family. I look at my brothers and sisters in Christ. I look at us all, imagining us all at the foot of the SAME cross. We are all so different in many ways. We all have different life experiences, different hurts, different joys, but on this weekend, I am reminded that we all are on the same humble knees, in thanksgiving to God.
I cannot get through any of the services this weekend without a tear in my eye. I am just overcome with emotions when I think about what Christ has done for us. To take upon HIS shoulders, MY guilt. MY shame. MY sin. When I look at my life and who I have in my life, I deserve none of it. I deserve death. I deserve hell. But Christ, in His unconditional love, chose to leave the throne, become like us, and then die the most undeserving death. Yet He CHOSE to forgive. Like He said, for they do not know what they are doing.
And that is ME. I am no different. I am just as guilty.
That is why I sit here in tears, over His compassionate love and forgiving grace. I look at the cross and realize that my hope is truly built on nothing less, but Jesus’s blood and righteousness.
Yesterday at our Maundy Thursday service, as we were singing the last few songs, Mazy held out her arms in the shape of a cross. I held her hands, and knew that moment was a small reminder of Jesus on the cross – a picture of open arms, inviting us in. Open arms, welcoming us into that saving grace.
So today, may we not forget why we live. Why we breathe. Why we love.
It is finished and we now look to the glorious hope that awaits, all because of Jesus’s death on the cross.