Labor Day Weekend Festivities

On Tuesday, Mazy had her 2 week check-up and we have one healthy little girl! She is in the 99 percentile for height – well, actually, when you look at the chart, she is still off the charts! She weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and falls into the 73 percentile. Here is what…
Motherhood. A gift wrapped with unexplainable love for someone else, a love that is fostered in the tiniest of details, a patience that holds no limits, and a joy unexplainable. Over the past, well, MANY years, I have often thought about what it means to be a mother. I always struggled with the question “do…
I know I shared this picture before, but what God has done in our lives, speaks volumes through this very picture. Great is thy faithfulness! Continuing Mazy’s birth-day story… I was never so excited to wake up early in the morning! We were told to come in at 5:00am, but to call the labor and…
Over the past 3 weeks, we have had the privilege of family coming out from Michigan, to meet Miss Mazy Grace! The first weekend, my parents came out and then the next weekend, Dan’s mom came out, and then this past weekend, my mom, sister, and her 4 girls came to visit. It has been…
What a week it has been! First of all, thank you all for the prayers, messages, and emails! We are incredibly blessed to be part of the family of God and be offered so much love, care, and support! This past week hasn’t been anything like we ever imagined, yet it was exactly what God…
I just couldn’t choose one… Stats: Not sure. We will find out at her 1 year appointment. Food: ~ Eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 5-6 ounces each time ~ Likes to eat Gerber puffs, Baby Mum-Mums, cheese, toast with peanut butter, waffles, Cheerios, and baby food Size: ~ 12 month clothes ~…