Life’s Journey Isn’t For Us
I thought I had it all figured out.
I thought after college I would work at an inner city ministry center, have lots of kids, and just live the life I always dreamed of. Well, if you know me, you see how that went!
Actually I did work at an inner city ministry as a summer intern and LOVED it. I learned so much and knew that I was always meant to work with teens and people in general. And boy did God answer that prayer through me marrying a youth pastor, working in a school, and being able to minister to others through the story God has given me! As for thinking I’d have lots of kids, we don’t have a large family, and in fact, it’s as small as you can get. One kiddo here with us and 2 in heaven.
But what I didn’t see is that in trying to figure out my life, all I did was try to create my own story. You see, life’s journey isn’t for us, but for Him. All of those things I “thought” would happen, wasn’t how God saw His glory being most magnified. Not saying you can’t dream or have plans because I think God works miracles through the dreams He has implanted within our minds. Hindsight always puts into clear view, the little seeds God was planting. But when our stories are focused on us, we lose sight of the real purpose – His glory.
It’s hard to spot God’s glory when we are pursuing our own. Our own stories. Our own lives. When we live for Christ, our lives will have an eternal effect, but when we live for ourselves and try to build our OWN lives on this earth, it will never last. One day, it’ll all be poof, gone.
So how do we reconcile our dreams and God’s glory, ensuring our life’s journey isn’t for us, but lived for Him alone? It’s this simple: Him. Go to Him. Call out to Him. Ask Him. Reflect on Him by learning who He is through His word. The more you seek God, the more His plans for your life will become clear. The more you will set aside your desires and seek after His. The more peace you will have when you anchor your dreams, hopes, and life in Him. And in the end, His dreams end up becoming your own. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
I may not have lots of kids in our home, but we are able to have LOTS of kids to invest in. I may not work at an inner city ministry, but we are able to invest in the ministry opportunities God has given us both medically and within the church. God knew what would bring him the most glory – now I need to answer the call.
YOU can bring glory to God, which is our ultimate earthly goal, through recognizing your journey isn’t for you, but for Him. Rest in the story God has given you, as difficult as it may be, and find enjoyment in living it for Him. He will knock your socks off; trust me.