Living Life On Purpose

I don’t know about you, but I know for our family the saying holds true, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. This summer sure is flying by, but it sure has been filled with fun. Even though it’s been “good” things, it doesn’t always mean it’s the “right” things. I would say most often they are, but sometimes I need to do a little inventory on my life.
It is so easy to walk through life aimlessly, not feeling much of a purpose. I think so often we can walk through life searching for what God’s plan is for our lives, and in the meantime, neglect or not recognize what is right in front of us. We can spend so much time searching that we don’t even realize that our purpose is right in front of us; in the steps we take every single day. Because you know what? God has a purpose for EVERY day. That is why He gave you breath for THIS day. It has a purpose.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes though I do find myself filling my life with things that honestly really don’t matter. Have you ever sat down and literally wrote down what fills your life on a daily basis? I know that may sound like an odd thing to do, but sometimes when you see a list laid out, it can be a little surprising to see what fills our time. Some things can change and some can’t. For instance, our laundry will forever need to get washed, dried, and folded. Since it’ll always be there, might as well make the most of it, right? Why not pray during this time?
Knowing that each day we have is for a purpose, I want to make sure that I’m living each day WITH purpose and ON purpose. So, here are a few questions I ask myself every once in awhile. I encourage you to sit down, make that list of what fills your time and then in light of what’s on that list (or should be added to the list), answer these questions:
- What do I fill my life with? List everything.
- How do I determine what is a success for failure? Is it the end result or the process getting there?
- What is life-giving?
- What is life-draining?
- What gets my imagination going?
- What brings me closer to God?
- What can I do to make a lasting impact in other’s lives?
- If I was given a day to do whatever I wanted to, what would I choose to do?
- What do I need to get rid of to make more space for God?
- What are my gifts?
- Am I only catching up on everyone else’s lives and not working on mine?
- What do I spend my time consuming?
Some of these questions have a similar idea behind them, but when worded a different way, hopefully it digs out what fills our hearts and minds. Sometimes it’s just good to look back on our lives to ensure that we are waking up everyday serving our God the best way we can and not filling our days with things that don’t really matter in the end. I encourage you to search your heart and spend some time reflecting on how God might be knocking at the door of your heart to encourage a path of change or simple ways he may be drawing you closer to him. May this inspire you to march forward in confidence knowing that every day we have breath, we have PURPOSE. So let’s live ON purpose!