Making The Trek…
On Wednesday after youth group, Dan and I drove through the night, back to our home state of Michigan. Actually DAN drove through the night; he drove the whole way while I slept peacefully in the passenger’s seat. He is one of those crazy people that can stay awake and drive 10 hours with one stop. I will say that it probably isn’t the last time either.
We made it home in time for Dan to go fishing with his good friends on the annual Van Lente fishing trip to Cadillac. We made a pit stop in St. Joseph to see Dan’s parents before I dropped Dan off and headed into town to see my former co-workers, Brenda, and her daughter Tracie. Catching up with Brenda was something that I was looking so forward to as it was a year ago that we had gone through so much together. I was so blessed to have deep, honest, and such meaningful conversations with a friend who I am forever grateful for. Then off to the beach it was with Tracie! It was a beautiful afternoon and we could have talked for hours! After an afternoon in the sun we headed to the frozen yogurt shop for a treat of course. Then I drove down to another beach to meet Dan’s family for supper (for the weekly Sterk dinner). The weather wasn’t the greatest, but it was so good to see them all again! Then up to Borculo I went for the night.
There is something about moving away and then coming home. It makes those times of being together that much more special and meaningful. It reminds me that all the mundane things in life can be set aside to spend quality time with family. I treasure those moments. Really that was what this past weekend was about. We ate family meals together, went to my nieces’ soccer games, made salsa, played games, sat around a campfire, laughed, and just made memories.
Dan had a such a great time (as always) with the Van Lentes. He caught an 18 inch bass and 3 other fish, but that was about it. The fishing was slow, but it was the building on those friendships that mattered anyways. Saturday night, Dan rode with his friend Adam back to Borculo so that we could head back to St. Joseph for the night, and spend Sunday with Dan’s family. It is Dan’s birthday on Wednesday, so we had a birthday celebration for him as well. Again, so good to see family again and catch up! Saying goodbye wasn’t as hard as it has been in the past because we know it is just a “see ya later.” Plus, because we are enjoying it out here in Minnesota, it makes the time away from family a little easier. We are learning that the 10 hour drive is becoming “shorter and shorter” as we are getting more used to it. We don’t even need a map anymore!
A glimpse at our weekend in pictures:

It is a blessing to say that we look forward to going back to Minnesota when we are driving home. We know Minnesota is our home. Those long weekends at home are wonderful and we look forward to them; we love our families – what can we say? Yet we also look forward to getting home and continuing our life here in Minnesota.
Hi Kristin Renee!
Sorry I missed you again when you were in town. I hope you and Dan have a great Autumn!
🙂 Sonja
I was thinking about that Sonja! In fact, I wanted to stop by and visit you because you are a dear friend! But I had to head up to my hometown at night that day. Love hearing from you Sonja and I hope you too, have a GREAT fall! Love you!