Mazy Grace Is 6 Weeks Old!
Today our baby girl is 6 weeks old!
Mazy Grace is just becoming so much more playful and it is so much fun to see her learn and discover new things this week! She is still our little snuggler, but she also enjoys playing too. In 2 of the pictures, you will see her looking at her doll – she is just so intrigued by her doll! She could sit and stare at it for a long time, while touching/hitting it. Though often she gets so excited about her doll that she swings so hard at it that she nails herself in the face. Then it’s not so fun anymore.
She is eating and sleeping well! She is now eating every 2-3 hours during the day and about every 4 hours at night. That means that I only get up twice at night, which is an incredible change! I was getting up every 1 1/2 – 2 hours while breastfeeding, so it is evident she is WAY more content! I am going to share more about my experience breastfeeding and switching to formula soon. It was a hard decision, but since I made the switch, it has been so worth it!
Mazy naps a few times during the day, and starts to wind down at around 7 or 8. Though, if she is not wound down by then, she can get pretty worked up. We call that the “just find it” issue. She is so tired and just needs to sleep, but can’t find the right position or just calm herself down enough to sleep. But once she does, she is out cold!
She has been such a great baby the past 5 or so days – all because I switched to formula and got her acid reflux meds, I think! Also, taking her to the chiropractor has helped a lot too – I took her last week, but am not seeing the need to take her this week. I babies are going to cry, but those who have been around her, have all said that she doesn’t cry like she used to. I couldn’t agree more! Her cries are just cries, instead of utter screams of sheer pain. That makes this mother’s heart at ease and it has made parenting that much easier.
In a given day, we typically go for a good walk, play with her doll, play bicycle with her legs, and just talk and talk and talk. She still LOVES her bathtime and I think would be in there all day if we let her! It’s our arms that get tired holding her up so she can swim! Though soon after we get her cloths on, she is pretty exhausted too – swimming in the tub is hard work at 6 weeks old!
I remember many saying “just survive the first few weeks”. I didn’t really understand at the time what they meant by that, but there is SO much truth in that! The first few weeks are hard. Probably some of the hardest weeks of my life. Now I don’t mean that in a way that I wish things were different – I mean that in a way that I have learned so much the past 6 weeks that I never imagined I would learn. Parenting brings its own challenges, but challenges that have made me a better person and mother. Parenting is one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced and yes, I still look at Mazy Grace with tears in my eyes. She is really here. She is my daughter. She is our child. Forever.
I just treasure every day and moment I have with her because for this child we prayed and for this child, we continue to pray!
Here is the past week in pictures: