Mazy Grace’s Baptism

It sure is easy to put all of my time and energy into just one of my loves! Our daughter! Over the last 15 months, I have come to learn that when Dan and I are not on the same page, there is a lot that seems like it’s not on the same page either….
A few more pictures from this past week! As if we do not look alike already, my older sister and I dressed alike too on Sunday! If you put all 3 of us together, I can see why people have called us triplets. I just can’t get enough pictures with this sweet girl! On Saturday,…
The gift of time. Have you ever thought about how time, though it as no monetary value, can be one of life’s greatest values and possessions? When I think of the gift of time, I immediately think of how Jesus lived His life. He walked the streets, looking to give people His time. It wasn’t…
Continuing our embryo adoption story… Our hearts ached. Ached and ached for those who were in the same predicament we were in: desiring children. Dan and I would sit in our living room and have conversation after conversation, talking about how we could possibly help these couples. These couples can carry, but cannot conceive. We…
It may seem like I am always posting pictures of our Mazers, but it is hard not to. Not living by family, it is hard to describe in words how she is growing, so I decided that pictures are a better description of what Mazy is up to on a daily basis. Mazy Grace is…
Sweet Mazy Grace, you are FIVE! You are incredibly thrilled to be a whole hand! This was the first time you were actually excited for me to take your yearly picture and couldn’t wait to choose something to wear. You have grown in every way this past year, not only in height, but even more…