Mazy Is 15 Months Old!

(Taking pictures of a 15 month old sure can be interesting! Not-so-perfect pictures is the beauty. The fact that not everything is perfect in life, but it’s capturing those not-so-perfect moments that make the moment perfect. It’s reality. And I LOVE it).
~ Height: 31 inches (61st percentile)
~ Weight: 20 lbs. 11 ounces (39th percentile)
~ Head Circumference: 18.75 in. (91st percentile)
(I was worried about her weight because I knew she lost some after her pneumonia, but the doctor was not concerned. Therefore I will try to not be either!)
~ Mac and cheese, hotdogs, strawberries, watermelon, lasagna, cheese, fruit food pouches, and her milk are definitely her favorite foods!
~ Not a fan of vegetables or spaghetti
~ 18 month-2T clothes
~ 18-24 month pants
~ 18-24 month onesies
~ Size 4 diapers
~ Wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30.
~ Goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30.
~ Struggles to stay asleep at night. Wakes up most nights about 2-3 times.
~ Is learning new words every week! Can now say back, eyes, wubs, boat, duck. sweesh (swing)
~ Knows where her ears, eyes, hand, head, nose, belly, belly button, hand, and piggy toes are.
~ Is getting better at pointing to things in a book if we say the word
~ Does not walk on her own, but sometimes gets brave and lets go of something to walk to another piece of furniture. She is getting VERY close! She walks all over the house, including hanging onto walls.
~ Has 10 teeth (got two top molars in, working on a bottom one too)
~ Every person is typically a “daddy”
~ Loves animals – we need to take her to the zoo!
~ Is able to communicate more and more what she needs, even if she doesn’t say the word.
~ Scoots all over the house
~ Went on a boat and tubed for the first time on Geurink family vacation and LOVED it! Didn’t like the life jacket, but once we started moving, she lifted up her hands and said “WEEEE”!
~ After 2 1/2 months of ear infections, Mazy had surgery on May 31 to get tubes in her ears. The surgery itself went well, but she had many side effects from the antibiotic, so she wasn’t on that for long. A few days later she came down with low-grade fevers and after a week, she developed pneumonia.
~ She had her first Emergency Room visit after a 102.3 fever (which was only a week after her tubes, thinking it was ear related), to only learn that it was the pneumonia that was causing the fevers.
~ Spent 2 weeks in Michigan visiting family
~ Enjoys going on walks and bike rides
~ LOVES clocks! She can pick them out in any building. Watches and speedometers are clocks too.
~ Still says “hi” to anyone who will look at her or walk past her, catching them quite off guard.
~ Loves her sand box and swing!
~ Enjoys looking through books
~ Favorite Toys: balls, violet, any toy that makes noise, sand toys, quiet book, and anything she can pull out of the cupboards.
~ LOVES water – baths, pools, water tables, you name it!
~ We were hoping the tubes would help with sleeping through the night, but then she got sick, and now she is teething, so hopefully we can get this sleeping thing figured out soon!
They have offered to do ONE giveaway for THREE (3) packages of the large white wooden clothespins, and (1) 5×8 magnetic sheet (so you can also make the magnetic clips too)!
Here are the details:
- Giveaway ends Friday, July 1, 2016 at 11:59pm.
- One winner will be chose via
- Open to U.S. residents only and must by 18 years or older
- I will email the winners and each winner has 1 week to confirm.
- Winner will be shipped 3 packages of white clothespins and (1) 5×8 magnetic sheet, free of charge.