Mazy Is 17 Months Old!

~ Not known
~ Favorites: lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, raspberries, strawberries, cheese, pizza, peanut butter and jelly, beef jerky, oatmeal cream pies, taking cereal out of the bag
~ 18 month-2T clothes
~ 18-24 month pants
~ 24 month onesies
~ Size 4 diapers
~ Wakes up between 7:30 and 8:15.
~ Goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30.
~ Favorite Words: eyes (sunglasses), keys, bo, bane (plane), weese (swing), pay (play), bah (bath), dadee (daddy), sooze (shoes), eeshee (blankie), wubs (wubbanub), gawk (milk), mum (mommy), woof (dog), bahsh (brush), ehwhoa (hello, phone), babee (baby), beebeebee (praisebaby dvd)
New words: eyes (for sunglasses), keys, bo (for motorcycle)
~ WALKS! She finally decided one day she wanted to walk and hasn’t stopped since.
~ Has 13 teeth – just starting to get her first top canine in
~ Loves animals! Especially bears, cows, pigs, horses, cats
~ Really is starting to comprehend what we are saying. Can get something if we ask her to.
~ Loves to dance and sing
~ Can bend over and pick something up off the ground if hanging onto something
~ Pulls herself up by furniture
~ Can get off the couch on her own
~ Has been doctor-free this past month – first time in a LONG time!
~ Still pulls out her hair; doctor believes it’s a result from the hospital stay
~ Loves to play in the boat and flip all the switches
~ Enjoys swinging and playing in the sandbox
~ Getting the mail and holding the keys is a highlight of the day
~ Sometimes sleeps through the night, but sometimes wakes up 5 times in a night
~ Loves to take things out of the cupboards
~ Would watch Praise Baby DVDs all day if we let her
~ Always asks to pray before meals – holds our hands and she squints her eyes shut
~ Went to the zoo for the first time and Mazy LOVED the bears! Said “roar” when she saw them and even got a stuffed animal that she now calls “roar”
~ Favorite toys: riding elephant, busy board, My Very First 100 Words block books, coloring, record player, bristle blocks, any book, baby, cell phone, EIEIO book (can say it too)
~ Has the cutest curls in the back that we can put into pigtails, has the brightest blue eyes, and is definitely our crazy Mazy!