Mazy Is 21 Months Old!

~ Unknown (though we feel she is growing like crazy!)
~ Favorites: hot dogs, lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, CHEESE, pizza, blackberries, puffs, goldfish, cereal, smoothies, fruit snacks, oatmeal cream pies
~ 24 month – 2T clothes
~ 24 month – 2T pants
~ Size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night
~ Wakes up between 8:00 and 9:00am. Enjoys watching a show while she wakes up, then wants to eat breakfast. Eats lunch at about 11:45 and goes down for a nap between 12:00 and 12;30. She usually sleeps about 2 hours, sometimes more and sometimes less. She likes to wake up from her nap while watching another show, like Curious George, Daniel Tiger, or Thomas. We eat dinner between 5:00 and 5:30, which she can only last until then anyways. Between 4:30 and 6:00 is her fussy time, so we don’t always know how to keep her distracted, but if we are out and about, she bypasses the fussy time. At 7:00 we do a bath, melatonin at 7:30, Daniel Tiger, Thomas, or Curious George per her request, and to bed at about 8:00 or 8:15.
~ New words: too many to count! She talks VERY well
~ Is becoming very aware of who people are
~ Becoming more social – not as scared of people (just Santa)
~ Started to do imaginative play, like with the kitchen set
~ Is learning how to express what she needs in words
~ Has quite a few dance moves
~ Is still sleeping quite well at night
~ Slowly learning to like more foods, but NOT vegetables
~ Likes to play mommy with her babies
~ Still loves to watch Danny (Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood), George (Curious George) and Tommy (Thomas the Tank Engine)
~ Favorite Toys: bike, play-doh, coloring, blocks, dolls, books, playing catch, shape sorter, stickers, fishing poles, and rough-housing
~ Is definitely graduating to more hands-on toys, like crayons, markers, stickers, etc.
~ Often tells us when you go to the bathroom, which makes us think you might be ready to potty train soon
~ Dancing is something you get so excited about
~ Likes to call things cute and pretty
~ Asks to pray
~ Enjoys playing the piano with mommy
~ You know what you want, but are now able to express it
~ Decided one night that you do not want to take your melatonin anymore, so we hide it in cheese
~ You love to throw things away, organize, help mommy clean (especially vacuum right alongside me), talk about your friends, and just live life to the fullest!Mazy girl, oh how sweet you are! You have THE MOST FUN personality! Everything is done with excitement. The way you view life is a teachable moment for everyone around you. You love to pray and talk to God, and the way you marvel at life, challenges mommy and daddy to do the same. We sometimes wonder how we could love you any more than we do, and then we wake up the next morning and find out it’s possible. We love you sweet Mazy Grace!