Mazy’s 3 Month Milestones!

Stats: I measured Mazy and I believe she is in between 25-26 inches long! I am going to safely assume that that measurement is still almost off the charts! At her 4 month checkup we will get height and weight measurements.
Food: Mazy eats every 3-4 hours and is taking in 5 ounces each time. She eats at about 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 7:30, and 9:30ish each day. When she wakes up from a nap, I better have that bottle ready because she is READY to eat! We still give her, her acid reflux medication, when needed. We can tell she needs it when her spit up is more mucousy and she cries when she burps or spits up. We have been able to go a day or 2 without it before, so we are hoping she is growing out of it!
Size: Mazy wears a wide variety of clothing sizes! She still wears some 0-3 month onesies, but mostly 3-6. Pants, well, she should be wearing 6-9 months for length, but they are quite big around the waist then, so typically she is in 3-6 month pants. As for sleepers, well, she is in 9 month sleepers! Granted I spend every day with her, but when I look at her, she just LOOKS long! Mazy is in size 2 diapers (right now she is wearing Huggies, but it will soon be Target brand).
Routine: We have been working on teaching her to self-soothe, so that has made nights a bit easier. She will typically wake up between 3:30 and 4:00am, but we let her cry/mumble for a bit and she usually falls back asleep within 15 minutes. Then she’ll wake up around 5:00 and that is when I feed her. She will usually sleep until around 8:00 then (sometimes earlier, sometimes later…she has slept until 9:15 before!). I right away give her a bottle and then about an hour later, we go for a walk (around 8:45 or 9:00am). When we get back, she is typically asleep, so I let her sleep in her car seat, but if she wakes up, I put her in our bouncy seat. Then throughout the day, we will read books, play with toys, jabber back and forth, walk around outside, if not take another walk, take a bath and swim, etc.
Mazy is not a great napper and really never has been. She will take them, but it is getting her to sleep and keeping her asleep that can be a daily battle. But the “battle” (I can’t even really call it that) is won by holding her – tough life, I know :). Honestly, I love doing that, if we do not have anywhere to go. I try to not make it a habit, but if she has woken up 3-4 times, I will just hold her. Then the next nap she is typically fine. I find that her getting sleep is more important than the place that she gets the sleep. By nighttime, she sometimes takes a little snooze around 8:00, wake up, and have her last bottle for the night around 9 or 9:30ish. If we can keep her awake until her last bottle, she sleeps even better at night, but we don’t fight that one too hard, depending how tired she is. Before her last bottle, I change her, put her sleeper on, and give her a body massage (which she just LOVES). After her bottle, she is always quite relaxed and I can typically just lay her down in her crib and she will fall asleep for the night. She does go to bed very well at night; it’s just the naps we wrestle through a bit. But watching her sleep in my arms is one of the best jobs in the world! I treasure those moments, even though are hard at times.
Milestones and Activities: Oh does Mazy LOVE to sit up, assisted! We will put her in the corner of our couch and she will just smile and play! When I just lay her in her carseat, I think she knows that means we are going for a walk, which I think she looks very forward to. Mazy enjoys reading books (especially books that just have pictures, like a First 100 Animals book). Mazy now likes to be held face out and can, for the most part, hold her head up. She is not a huge fan of her playmat, but is starting to enjoy her activity center, even though she just looks at the toys on it. Her taggy blanket is a fav and so is her Lamaze doll (still). She will jabber back and forth with you and loves to smile! Body massages, no matter what time of day, are a hit, and she enjoys just being in her diaper (no clothes). I figure, well, she was naked for 9 months, I can see why she still enjoys that! Bathtime never gets old – when we lay her down on the rug in the bathroom, she knows what that means! She rarely lets us know that she is getting sick of it – it’s our arms that get tired first, from holder her head up!
Other Things to Remember:
- Mazy does not enjoy tummy time. She rolled over pretty much unassisted on June 7 (just over 2 1/2 months old), but hasn’t rolled over since.
- She likes her feet played with and her arms lifted above her head and we say “sooo big!”
- She enjoys watching people, especially little kids
- Her hair is starting to get thicker on her head, but not necessarily longer
- Mazy’s eyelashes are long and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
- She does not like it when someone sneezes or coughs
- She enjoys sucking her thumb and whatever other fingers she can get in her mouth too
- When she sleeps, she will often move her mouth like she is sucking her paci, even though it is not in her mouth (it’s so cute)
- She is really starting to develop a personality! She is very playful and pretty much a content baby!
- Mazy gets excited every time she locks her eyes on our ceiling fan!
- We also bought a van on Memorial Day because it was too hard to get her in and out of the Explorer, and we needed a more reliable vehicle.
Hi! Thank you for the wonderful birthday card. 🙂 I hope you and Dan have a great weekend and Dan enjoys his first Father's Day. I'm happy for both of you and hope to see you and meet Mazy sometime this summer.
I hope to see you this summer as well Sonja! Do you still have the usual schedule of Tuesdays off?