Merry Christmas From The Sterks

This Christmas definitely looks and feels a bit different than what I thought it was “supposed” to be like, but then I have to remember that the night Jesus was born, nothing was going according to plan either. This year we have a Christmas blizzard that will probably go down in the record books, but I am so thankful for this blizzard. Even though parties had to be moved, seeing the mighty hand of God during such a time as this, is such a beautiful reminder of who reigns. And what have we been given? Time. Slow time. Time in our homes. Time to be together as family units. He sure knows what His children need!
And then of course cancer and heart failure. I sometimes still can’t believe that I have cancer and am actively going through treatments. I’m not sure what it was supposed to feel like, but I’ve had no other option but to cling. Cling to the One who created me. Cling to His promises. Cling to His sovereignty. I wish I could do more of the “Christmas” activities and experience more of it, but why? All of those things are worldly things and I have everything I need in a tiny little baby. A mother who graciously faced the torment of many. And her mother, who we don’t know much about, who raised a daughter who could handle such a situation because GOD equips the called. I want to be like Mary. I want to raise a Mary. And I want my life to reflect that of this tiny little baby, Jesus.
No disease, no weather, can still that joy, those desires, and His great love, from us. Let’s live it out loud this Christmas season and for the rest of our lives.
Merry Christmas!
Photo Credit: Christine Joy Photography