My Life As A Blogger

What does life as a blogger look like?
Each week varies, but I try to write about 5-6 posts per week, with drafting posts about 1-2 months ahead of time. Why so far in advance? Ya never know what is going ot happen in a week or month, so this allows some cushion. To be quite frank, I get really excited about writing some posts, so I just sit down and type because I can’t wait any longer!
Content: A blog wouldn’t be intriguing without the content. I have learned in my first year, that the content is incredibly important. It is what keeps your readers coming back, time after time. Is the content relevant, easy to understand, and worth the reader’s time?
So…what goes into each post?
- Ideas – coming up with unique, interesting, and relevant posts takes time!
- Try products – testing out and reviewing products may take hours
- Take pictures – getting the right lighting, the right angle, and the right setting
- Edit photos – going into another program (I use PicMonkey) and editing every photo
- Perform task – during my 100 Days of Less series, I participated in every day as well, so in order to write the post, I had to perform each task myself, to make sure it “worked.” Same with recipes – I don’t post a recipe without trying it myself, first!
- Draft post – after researching, taking pictures, etc., it is now time to actually DRAFT the post! ‘Bout time, huh?
- Finalize post – review, make corrections, and schedule the post.
This is the part that takes me longest; meaning, how productive I am given the time spent on it. For example, figuring out html or how to add a certain size ad, or format a picture just right to make it fit. Some of the things I have struggled with most, are the things I still am not happy with (like my green horizontal drop down menu). I am FAR from a web designer and sometimes I feel I should just cave and spend the money to have someone redesign my website. At the same time, what makes Organizing Life With Less what it is, is that it is personally designed and it is so me. In order to make it “me”, of course I have to have a lot of trial and error (more error) to make it truly “one of a kind.” In saying that, it is one of a kind because it probably has odd things that you wonder “why is that there” and just so you know, I wonder the same thing :)!
All that to say, maintaining the actual site, takes me a LOT of time; more hours than I care to even count because I would probably cry! At the same time, I have learned more than I thought I ever would and would not trade that time. I have never regretted it and am looking forward to what I hope to continue to learn by doing my own “web design.”
Networking/Communication: (about 2 hours per day = 10-12 hours per week)
I have met some absolutely amazing people through blogging. They are not only acquaintances, but friends. Networking is one of the most important aspects of blogging! It takes more time than I would’ve ever imagined, but it is also what keeps Organizing Life With Less going and it is one of the parts of love the most!
This equals to about 23-25 hours per week. Again, this can vary greatly! I so enjoy every aspect – writing posts, maintaining the site, and networking/communication. If I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t do it.
One thing my husband told me his speech teacher once told him:
That is what I feel I have found in Organizing Life With Less. How I get paid is a whole other post in itself, but really, I have found what I would call a “dream” job.
I hope this gives you an idea of what goes into Organizing Life With Less each week!
I like to create stories. I like to take an idea that I see, flip it into something new, and grow it. For example, give me a blank book. I would take that book, see a tree sprout from it, and tell the tale of the youngster who climbed such a tree and had to save it by retrieving it's no-longer-blank pages that would fall as if they were leaves. That is what I like to do.
Unfortunately, coming up with ideas is usually easier than keeping up the pace and working out the kinks in a story. I have never gotten very far with writing a story (even though I very much enjoy writing) because I can't put the pieces together and smooth things out into something readable. Not yet anyway. My dreams may not yet be achieved, but I have time to keep trying. So no, haven't been paid for it yet, but my stories are worth more to me than money anyway…
I am glad you have achieved your dreams 🙂
Crystle…that is AWESOME that you found something you LOVE to do! If you continue to appreciate them, you can only hope that others will find that same appreciation too! The thing is, if you accomplish every single one of your dreams, you have nothing to dream about. So don't worry about accomplishing them – it takes time. I have MANY more dreams I would like to accomplish with blogging, so this is just a start :). Thanks for sharing!