Natural Wart Remover!

This is a topic that is probably not high on your priority list, but I will safely assume you yourself or someone you know, has had a wart. Either you choose to go to the store and pay $10ish for a wart removal kit (because often the simple compound w stuff just doesn’t work) or you pay 5x that and get it removed by your doctor.
What if you didn’t have to pay barely a PENNY to get your wart removed?
You bet! Good old apple cider vinegar.
How, you might ask?
1. Clean the wart off. If you have to remove some skin around it because it is so deep, do so.
2. Cut off a small portion of a cotton ball.
3. Soak it in apple cider vinegar.
4. Put on wart, covered with a Band-Aid.
5. Keep band-aid on overnight.
You will soon see your wart turn quite a nasty color (just being honest). It will turn brown, then black, then soon fall off. Depending on how deep the wart is, it may take up to a week, with daily application of above “recipe.” It may sound like a hassle, but it only takes a minute or two each night and while you are sleeping, the apple cider vinegar does its job.
This sure beats paying out of your ears to get your wart removed! Plus, it is a NATURAL way to get rid of warts. How do I know this works? Because I have now done this TWICE (different warts). How’s that for too much information!? I had one on my finger by my nail and it was getting ugly. I was going to go to the doctor because I tried a knock-off brand freeze away kit and it didn’t touch it. I knew there had to be an easier way! That’s when I found the solution: apple cider vinegar.
Give it whirl! Let me know if it works for you! Do you have any home-remedies for warts?
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