NEW Movie: Lifemark + GIVEAWAY

Life is a gift.
A choice to preserve and value life from the moment of conception, is to allow God to use that person to make a difference in His Kingdom. Through EVERY life He creates, He has a SPECIFIC purpose and mission for that little life. Our bodies are so fragile and when you see life within, it is absolutely mind-boggling, the design work God does in a mother’s womb. As it says in Psalm 139, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And what an honor we have as humans, when we choose life, that we get a front-row seat to God’s handiwork.
Anytime the Kendrick Brothers produce a new movie, I am always intrigued. And this time, the producers of “War Room” and “Fireproof”, along with Kirk Cameron, have created a movie that will have you crying one moment and laughing the next. LIFEMARK is a story of hope, of overcoming the obstacles life throws at us, while inspiring us through the art of faith, grace, and perseverance.
This movie is inspired by an incredible true story about a boy named David, whose comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she’s only held once. With the encouragement of his adoptive parents, David embarks on a journey of discovery that leads to a staggering truth from his past.
Check out the TRAILER below:
I walked away from this movie in tears, wanting to climb into my daughter’s bed and tell her how much I love her. Earlier in our marriage, my husband and I had the conversation about adoption, but we didn’t feel it was God’s timing. Through a unique story, God has given us a child of our own, but it doesn’t take away the passion I have for adoption. After watching this movie, I can’t help but want anyone who is going through a difficult time, to look to God for hope and reassurance that He works ALL things for the good for those who call on Him. Watching this movie’s story unfold, and recognizing it’s based on a true story, proves the confidence we can have in our Savior. A confidence that shows that God is always working behind the scenes, to make His name and His way known. This story of hope will spur your faith on towards love – love for ALL those who are involved in an adoption process. So often we can see it from one side, but this movie portrays the difficult choices that have to be made and the need we all have to be loved, no matter what our circumstances.
This is a must-see film!
You can BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY to see LIFEMARK, which is in theaters starting September 9, by CLICKING BELOW:
Also, one of my readers can WIN A $10 AMAZON GIFTCARD! Giveaway will END on Saturday, September 17. (NOTE: Giveaway is limited to U.S. winners only).
Many thanks to WTA Media for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.