Life is LOUD, isn’t it?
I remember the days of walking through the fields to get to our cousin’s house. Saturday at 3:00pm, we would start stomping through the hay fields or along the paths of the corn, to venture out on whatever our free minds wanted to do. Sometimes it was jumping off the ledge hanging onto a rope, into the hay pile. Sometimes it was mud running with the 4 wheeler. Sometimes it was just sitting up in a tree talking. Life seemed quiet, but so full of life.
Over the past month, I’ve had a chance to sit back and think about the noise that I allow in my life. I get that I am in a very unique situation. To be honest, some might even envy the thought of having to sit in a chair and heal. I’ll take the sitting in a chair – just not the healing part. Healing from surgery has literally forced this 34 year old body to stop. Just STOP. Stop doing mundane tasks. Stop trying to figure out how to do “live the best life.”
While in the hospital, I was void of all things worldly, really. I didn’t watch much tv, I didn’t check Facebook or Instagram, I didn’t listen to the radio, I didn’t see lots of people – the ones I did, they were in scrubs or hospital gowns. We all ate the same food and we were all striving towards the same purpose. To get out. Life didn’t feel loud. Ironically, it was the most peaceful feeling when it came to worldly matters. Not that I should always turn a deaf ear to worldly matters, but for a brief moment, I was BEING.
Simply quiet. Simply being. Simply resting.
When you read those 3 phrases, does your inner heart yearn for those things? Does a self-denial start to happen and say oh, I do that, but in reality, you don’t? Are those 3 phrases so foreign to you, that you’re not sure you’ve ever felt those feelings? Are you going through some self-hatred, wishing you were someone you weren’t? And feel there is no turning back? No changing?
Well I’m here to tell you that those 3 phrases are obtainable.
Would you believe me?
They are. They are not something so far fetched that it would be record breaking if anyone achieved them. They are not some far off dream that only a select few obtain. No. In fact, as Christians, the very God we serve, has set the example for us. Daily, we are learning and looking to the very one who does, but also did. Meaning, he finished his tasks for that day, and then…
Was quiet. Just simply was. And simply rested.
He didn’t listen to the noise. He didn’t try to keep going, listening to the noise, to only become someone He wasn’t supposed to be. When Christ was here on earth, He had tasks to do each day. Does the Bible talk about Him hurrying from one place to another? No, it was the followers who were hurrying to Him. He performed some big stuff folks! Miracles. He spent time talking with people – which as many of you know, can be exhausting. He spent time spreading love, just doing what He was called to do, and then what did He do?
He went off into the quiet. He just simply was. And He simply rested.
Why can I not get that concept in my head? The other day I had a few things around the house I wanted to get done. I did them and I knew that was enough for that moment. I had to sit down and rest. I didn’t listen to the noise of life telling me I had to keep going. I didn’t listen to the noise of life telling me that I should check Facebook or Instagram one more time because there might be one new post. I didn’t listen to the noise of life telling me I had to look perfect. In fact, this whole surgery ordeal has taught me quite the contrary – can’t wear or put on what I normally do! I didn’t listen to the noise of life that I should jump online and buy this and that. I have the benefit right now of NOT comparing myself to others next to me in the grocery line, thinking they are skinnier, more well dressed than I am, have a better make up regiment than I do, and have healthier stuff in their grocery cart.
You can laugh. But in SOME form, we all do it.
Being home bound just ain’t so bad…
But it’s not reality. It’s not the rest of my life and it’s not how I want to live the rest of my life. But one thing I do want to do, is stop the noise of life from affecting my everyday life in a negative way. Eat this. Wear that. Put this on. Buy that. Do this. Try that. Exercise this way. Walk that way. Drive this. Cook that. Clean this way. Decorate that way. Tell my kid to behave this way. Put her in that. Buy her this. Pacify her with that.
WE JUST CAN’T DO IT ALL. What this surgery has taught me is that I sure have a lot of noise in my life. Ironically, I have never felt more content materialistically. Weird. But it’s because I’m not hanging out in the world everyday. But that is going to change (hopefully sooner rather than later). And that’s where the rubber will meet the road. I KNOW I will revert back to some degree. But my hope and prayer is that I can gain some self-control. Some will power, to fight against the urge to let the noise back in my life.
What noise do you allow in? How does it affect your daily life? Do you feel bogged down? Overwhelmed? Not good enough?
Well let me tell you, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Christ did His work, like we are called to do, and then rested. How we choose to spend our time is truly up to us. We are in charge of every minute. How are you going to spend yours? In the noise or in the quiet?