ON SALE: A Heartbeat of Grace

With Christmas just around the corner, maybe you are looking for that little extra something to add to your gift? Have you thought about a book that they can curl up with this winter?
Well, for a limited time, you can get my book, “A Heartbeat of Grace” for only $10.00!
If you need it shipped, that will be an added cost, but I can easily ship it to you! For anyone local, feel free to pick up a copy directly from me. The sale is only good if purchased from me and while supplies last. I can order more, but it will be a bit before they come. If you pick it up from Bunte’s, Reader’s World, Parable in St. Joseph, or Amazon, it is still $12.99.
Please send an email to Kristin.sterk@gmail.com, comment below, or send me a Facebook message if you would like a copy!
For those of you who have had the chance to read it, I hope you were blessed, challenged, and encouraged by it. Like I keep saying, it’s not our story to tell, but God’s!