If you told us a year ago, that we would be where we are at in life, I probably would have laughed, not believing that God would bring us to the place He has. We sometimes have to sit and reflect we are living in another STATE. This past year HAS. ABSOLUTELY. FLOWN. BY.
It will be a year on FRIDAY!
We have learned so much, God has grown and stretched our faith, and has introduced us to a community of friends. The biggest thing Dan and I struggled with in moving to Minnesota, was leaving both of our families. Not having them right there physically, after all the loss, was hard to accept. Yet we woke up each day reminding ourselves that God fills those voids that no human can. Yes, of course we miss our families. But there is comfort and peace knowing we are living within God’s will and God’s good purposes for our lives. It is incredibly reassuring.
So what has it been like to live in Minnesota?
I go back to what I wrote a year ago. This is what I said:
1. Work is important, but people are not afraid to stop and chat for awhile – much like the south, relationships are very important here.
2. Speed limit signs seem to be relative.
3. Drive with one hand on top of the steering wheel so that you can wave at everyone passing by (they will all wave at you first)
4. We have a 4 foot drift at the end of our driveway and it is considered “normal”
5. Sunglasses are a must (even though I never have really worn them before – even in Michigan)
6. And one of the most meaningful…just be yourself.
These still sum up what it is like to live in Minnesota :)! Being able to sit and talk with folks, not really worrying about time, is refreshing. I would say this is true for both of our jobs! Speed limits, well, I have gotten passed multiple times going 3-5 over the speed limit. I drive what I am comfortable doing – some are a little more adventurous, to say the least! We are still wavers. I wave at anyone in town because that is just whatchya do! Yup, we still have a 4 foot drift at the end of our driveway – deja vu, right? Sunglasses, I love to wear, even in the winter! And, I feel we are ourselves. We feel we do not have to live up to man’s expectations here, but are being embraced for who we are. Such a refreshing feeling!
Dan and I have met some absolutely incredible people here. Friends who have left a lifelong impact on us. Friends who are irreplaceable and have made the adjustment here 10x easier. Church families that love us through all of the love languages. When we encounter difficult times, there are always members who walk alongside us and with us.
Dan and I have always wondered how we could love another youth group as we did our last. We love our youth group here as our own. Those kids have our hearts. Just the other day, while at our youth group building, I sat there thinking “wow, this place and these kids used to be ‘unknown’ and ‘unfamiliar’ to us.” And now, we can say that we love each of those kids so much and care about every aspect of their lives. Hugs, laughter, and joking around fill the air, instead of the apprehensiveness of being in a new place and being the new people. Yeah, we are still the “new people,” but it’s because this community is tightly woven together. They have embraced us, but you can also see the family love that each person has for one another. Most have family ties to the community, but it is beautiful!
We questioned whether we would ever be able to move forward from losing our babies. Especially while living in a new environment. I never fully believed people when they said that time heals, but Dan and I are living proof and firm believers, that time does heal. Time to reflect, time to adjust, time to grieve. We still do all 3 of those things yet, but we truly are healing and it took moving to Minnesota to continue the healing process. Everyday we wish to have those two back, but, on Sunday we sang the song “Because He Lives.” I will never forget the first time we sang that song after we lost our babies. I just cried. The pain was so deep, as we sang this verse:
(Verse 2)
How sweet to hold
A newborn baby
And feel the pride
And joy he gives
But greater still
The calm assurance
This child can face
Uncertain days
Just Because he lives
The thing is, I always stopped singing halfway through the verse. I stopped singing and believing. Yet I was failing to sing the most IMPORTANT part of this verse: BUT GREATER STILL…
What I didn’t recognize until this week, that it is because Jesus lives, that our two babies’ lives, are not uncertain. Their days are certain in Heaven and what a calm assurance that brings. That our babies never had to face uncertain days in this life because they are held securely forever, in Jesus’ arms. What a calm assurance again, that brings. And the chorus:
Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because he lives
Dan and I can both face tomorrow because of God’s grace and the sacrifice Christ made. He has offered freedom instead of bondage. A grace instead of a life filled with old testament laws and regulations. We are free. Knowing that Christ holds our future and we are His ambassadors in His world, as He works out His perfected plan, is a LIFE WORTH LIVING.
I never imagined our life to look like it does. But I can honestly say that I am so thankful for it. I am so thankful that God brought us to Minnesota. I am so thankful that God has blessed us with such compassionate friends. I am so thankful for our families who continue to support us in what God has called us to do. I am so thankful to sit here and say don’t give up. You do not know what the future may hold, no matter what you may be going through. But GOD holds the future and it is worth it.