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  1. Oh girl…you are SO speaking my language! We are currently living in about 900 Sq Ft…and after 4 years I am finally starting to embrace it…I started a Pintrest board called Me and My Small Space…I will add you post there 🙂 In 22 years of marriage we have never had a HUGE space…and honestly I don't know what we would do with it…oh wait…yes I do…move clutter, more cleaning…more STUFF…I don't need that…I need to Live Life with JOY in my Small Space 🙂 Have a fabulous weekend!!

    1. I am glad we are thinking on the same wave lengths :). Having that bigger space, does beg to be filled with more stuff. Joy truly can be found in small spaces and that is what I LOVE!

  2. Kristin,
    You have inspired and HUGE declutter fest in our small cozy home this spring and we are loving it. Thank you for all of your great posts and the insperation to live intentionally and rid ourselves of the excess. Both being only children, and only grandchildren, we had inherited A LOT of things over the years that neither of us really care for, or need. It was also taking up valuable space in our small home. Now we are able to enjoy our home that God has given us even more than ever. Thank you again.

    1. Ah, those are the BEST! Declutter fests! I found myself doing that with the food on my shelves this week (items I haven't used in 9 months to a year – going straight to the local food shelf!) Inheriting can really do a number to your home, as you want to keep things for sentimental value, but in reality, you don't have much use for. Being able to step back and be thankful for the space (no matter how little it may be), is humbling and in the end, I think makes us even more grateful, which is what you are :). Thank you for taking the time to send this encouraging comment Kathy! It is much appreciated!

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