Our First Visit With Our Babies

Just letting you all know there are TWO in there :)!

Just letting you all know there are TWO in there :)!
I want to continue to talk about what grief has taught me/us. Sometimes I have a hard time putting into words when talking with someone what I’ve learned, but typing has always been a great avenue to explain all the things that are going on in Kristin’s head :). I would say this is a…
Last winter, a friend of mine and I were talking about the whole Elf on the Shelf idea, and I kept thinking, “Mazy would get such a kick out of this!” That same friend was able to find a steal of a deal on the Elf on the Shelf, so this year, I am running…
Last Tuesday night Dan and I had the chance to have some really good talks. Much like the post I posted a few days ago, we talked about the future and what this experience has done for us, taught us, and helped us realize. We had gone to a basketball game last night and we just…
Just another pretty normal week at the Sterks! Mazy has learned to turn around in a circle while sitting on her bottom, so maybe she will end up scooting across the floor instead of crawling! Her vocab is also becoming quite extensive, even though we aren’t always sure what she is saying! I recently taught…
This week’s Bible study lesson was on God being in control. Even though I have read that cliche, yet TRUTHFUL statement what seems like a million times, it always hits me between the eyes. There was a quote in there by Max Lucado that says: “When God doesn’t do what we want, it’s not easy….
As much as I love summer, I have to say I LOVE fall! There is something about watching Mazy kick and play and in leaves, treat cold temps as if it’s 90 out, and just soak in the beautiful weather, that makes me love it all the more too. Every week, we just fall in…