Our Little Family
This past fall, we were given the beautiful and treasured gift of family pictures, but let me tell you the story!
One night, after being in the hospital more than out the past few weeks, I couldn’t fall asleep (which was common for me from all the meds). I kept thinking about wanting to have family pictures taken because we weren’t really sure where this whole cancer and heart journey was taking us. I wanted the memories. I wanted to see, in picture, our family together during those weeks of separation. I wanted to see our smiles. But the problem was that my immune system was so low that I never really knew when I would feel well enough to even leave the house.
I’m not even kidding, THE NEXT DAY, we opened a gift from a JOY box that was on our front step, and it was a gift certificate for family pictures. I just wept. God saw me losing sleep over something like this and answered my worry in such a powerful way! AGAIN, THE NEXT DAY.
What’s even more amazing is the fact that the photographer, Christine Dykstra, was so flexible and was ready and willing to do whatever worked for us. That was all God! And THEN, someone gave Mazy and I new dresses to wear, to make it even more memorable! It felt like we were in Hollywood. I know that sounds so silly, but all of it was truly that memorable for me.
The beauty of family pictures is that we can’t take any credit for them, that’s all Christine. What we get now is to treasure these, knowing they were taken during a time in our life that was so difficult, and they mark a journey that we will always remember. Here’s just a small glimpse of the photo shoot and again, we couldn’t be more grateful and humbled that God worked His providential and sovereign hand in all of this!

Really nice pictures!!! Those are a treasure!!
They are such a treasure! So thankful and humbled by it all.
So thankful God orchestrated this as it all worked out. The pictures are wonderful!
We were just in awe of how God worked in that whole situation! What a Good, Good, Father!
Precious memories for sure! As you trust our Father He in turn is blessing you time and time again.
God has overwhelmed us with his blessings and goodness through this journey!