God Rejoices Over ME!
What a beautiful verse! My God, my Father, takes great delight in me. He will quiet me with His love. That means He will quiet a weary soul, a heart that’s filled with so many emotions, and a mind filled with so many thoughts. He will REJOICE over me with singing! REJOICE OVER me. That brings me such comfort b/c it feels like He is completely surrounding me, blanketing me with His presence. And He’s singing! How beautiful!
I sometimes wonder how God is going to use me in the future. Never would I have imagined that he’d be taking me on this path. It’s when I read scripture that I gain a clearer understanding of His purpose for me. Yeah I don’t know the details, but I know MY God provides. MY God listens. MY God knows. I was just talking to a lady at work today and we were saying how there are passages in scripture that you read over and over, yet you never realize when they are going to hit you. On the other hand, there are passages that you never really think about and rarely read, and then all of a sudden, bam – it hits you. I’m a firm believer that there is a passage for every situation. Today I am just so thankful for God’s Word. I absolutely LOVE selling Bibles – sometimes it’s hard to find exactly what the customer wants, but in the end, it’s so worth it. To see people’s desire to dig into God’s Word. It’s a very inspiring job! I now know why I had the crazy dream of working in a bookstore someday – never thought it would be when I was in my 20s, but hey, there’s a lot in my life that I never expected! That’s why my God is in control and I am not!