September 17 – The Day Our Babies Went Home
- God is always good even at times when it doesn’t “feel” like it.
- It really is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
- If you allow God to be the author, He will write one amazing story in your life.
- Death has a way of bringing out the deepest sorrow, yet the deepest gratitude.
- We have always had a special place in our hearts for couples who could not have kids of their own, hence God laying it on our hearts to allow our embryos to be adopted. That compassion we had has grown even more as our experience has opened our eyes to even more people who have experienced the pain of losing a baby, or can not have one of their own.
- Being open about our pain and suffering has allowed others to comfort us in our grief. If we had been silent about everything we were going through, we would have missed out on the blessing of being a part of the family of God.
- At times when it feels like the world is caving in, it is your faith in God that will hold you together.
- In the end, we did not create enough embryos so that other couples going through fertility issues could adopt them. This was something that weighed heavy on us this past year. We kept asking ourselves “had we been obedient to God?” As we were going through this whole process, I kept reading over the story of Abraham and Isaac. In the story, God was asking Abraham to do something that seemed impossible. He wanted Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. We kept focusing on God leading and asking Abraham to go through with this. We had not considered how the story ended though. Abraham had every intention of sacrificing Isaac, up until the point that God instructed him not to. Abraham did not to sacrifice Isaac in the end, yet he was still considered to be obedient. We had every intention of allowing our embryos to be adopted even to the point of losing my job over it. However, like Abraham, when it came down to the last possible moment, we heard God say no. So we realized that even though we did not create enough embryos to be adopted, we were still obedient to the leading of God.
- Allowing family and friends to embrace you in your deepest pain is a glimpse of the unconditional love God has for us.
- Even though our babies are in Heaven, they will always be a part of our greater story.
- Not a day goes by that we don’t long to be with them, but we long for the day we will be reunited with them.
- We have learned the joy of being expectant parents
- We have learned to be content and patient in the stage of life God has us in.
- Many questioned what a process like this would do to our friendship with Brenda and her husband if it did not work. What people failed to see was that our friendship from the start was not based on Brenda carrying a baby for us. That was something that came as a result of the friendship. Today our friendship is stronger than it was before and we have a bond that has stood the test of trials, grief, and pain. Though we have many miles that separate us now physically, there will forever be a bond that no highway or giant lake can sever.