Simple Monster Cookie Recipe
- 1/4 c. margarine
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 t. vanilla
- 1/4 t. salt
- 1 t. baking soda
- 3/4 c. peanut butter
- 1/2 c. white sugar
- 1/2 c. brown sugar
- 2 1/4 c. quick oats
- 1/3 c. chocolate chips
- 1/4 c. M and Ms

Ever crave something chewy, chocolaty, and sweet? Ever looking for that quick, easy, and perfect snack everyone will enjoy? Scotcheroos are the answer! You can have these bars assembled and made in about 15 minutes – and trust me, they taste MUCH better than a 15 minute bar! Simple ingredients for a simple recipe! Scotcheroos…
With fall in full bloom, any recipe with apples, I am game! I am not even sure where I got this recipe from, but I made it for our youth group kids and they were GONE! I was able to try a bit of one and it is definitely as good as it sounds! A…
Brownies are one of my most favorite desserts! The ooey-gooey goodness in every bite, keeps me coming back for more! Usually I go for anything chocolate, but there is something about the blonde brownies that I just love! There is still chocolate in them (can it be a brownies without chocolate?) Again, this is another…
Since we have decided to eat healthier, one of the things I STILL struggle with are sweets. I didn’t always consider myself to have a sweet tooth, though my teeth always seem to like sweets if they are available! And that is the exact problem. If we have leftover cookies, bars, or cake from a…
I know, I know…there are 1,000 recipes that say “Best Ever…” So am I just jumping on the bandwagon? No. A fellow youth group parent had brought some chocolate chip cookies for the kids. I was hearing the kids rantin’ and raving about how good these cookies were. So, I caved and tried one. Wowza….
No matter what holiday may roll around, it is sometimes hard to think of a specific “holiday” recipe. During Christmas, you may want green and red to shine; Easter, maybe pastels; Halloween – your oranges, yellows, and browns. No matter what holiday it may be, if there are M&Ms made in that color, this cookie…