Snorkeling In The Florida Keys

Are you getting away for Spring Break? Are you going to have some extra time on your hands? I encourage you to buy my book, “A Heartbeat of Grace.” It is NOT my story to tell, but God’s – HE is the one who has written my story, not me. Click THIS LINK to order…
In 11 days, Dan and I will be heading to Belize on a mission trip! Hopefully Dan gets over the flu soon and that I don’t get it! Praying hard! It is still hard to believe that God has introduced this opportunity in the way He has, but I can only say we are so…
It’s been an interesting first full week of the new year, but why assume that it would be dull? I started off the week with an appointment at Michigan and the report is that I am STABLE! My doctors haven’t used that word for quite some time, so to know that nothing has changed since…
With Christmas just around the corner, if you are looking for an all-in-one book and coloring book, You Are A child of God is it! You Are a Child of God is a faith-based children’s coloring book designed to be shared between a child and an adult. This helps foster meaningful connections and conversations about…
Have you ever been in search for local or regional foods that are unique just to that area? If you have been to any restaurant in Minnesota (especially in Northern Minnesota), a common item on the menu is a wild rice soup. When my husband and I moved to Minnesota 4 years ago, wild rice…
We have survived a week without her wubs! Last week I had cut the paci off and ever since, she has said it’s “broke, sad.” It was a rough first couple of days, nights, and naptime, but now she only asks about wubs about once a day. We have also been working on getting her…