Sometimes We Just Have No Clue

It has been another interesting week’s worth of weather! We had a few 2 hour delays and a day we closed early. Today it is another blustery one (picture above), as church was closed yet again. Gusts are supposed to be over 50mph today with snow mixed in. I would chalk it up to living in Minnesota, but I know that our hometowns are getting nailed with snow as well. At times we definitely miss the lake effect snow, but Minnesota’s weather brings a whole new set of excitement. For example, yesterday while heading home from some friends’ house, the highway was a one lane path. Granted their highways are a tad different from what I’m used to, but as the beet trucks came through, there was no road to be seen. Needless to say, we were thankful to get home!
Throughout the month of January, our church has been showing the January Series via Calvin College. I don’t know if any of you have had the chance to witness or hear any of the speakers, but this is the first year we took the time to listen in. I was only able to make it to a few, but the ones I did, I would choose to spend that hour listening, again. One thing that I have thought long and hard about over the past few years and that this series spurred on, is that really…
I would LOVE to sit here and explain why God allowed certain events to happen in our life. Why He took our babies Home. Why He allowed us to go through the struggles and hurt with our old church. Why God gave us the gift of a new chapters and new life in a new place. I could start to explain it – and I know I have tried.
Yet, Dan and I HAVE NO CLUE.
We may have a few more answers or understanding, but in our small human minds, we don’t have the perspective God does. Many times, while going through the baby process, we had others telling us what God was trying to do, what His will was for our lives, and what we should do. We felt beaten down and that our faith didn’t matter because it was contrary to what we felt God calling us to do. Looking back, all we can humbly say is that we all had no idea what God was doing or the events that would come. God allowed certain events to happen, but proclaimed His GOODNESS by bringing us to a place of healing.
I am a firm believer that we serve a GOOD GOD. There were times in our life where we have cried out to God, “WHY?” I still find myself asking that question as I see the poverty, the hurting, and the helpless.
My limited mind cannot understand or fathom the thoughts of an all-knowing God. A sovereign God. A God where time is not a factor.
Not that the “HAVE NO CLUE” answer should stop us in our tracks and prevent us from seeking out answers. I am not saying that at all. God has given us His world to discover. To dissect. His Word to discover. To dissect. He has given Himself – to discover.
Do we just sit back, throw up our hands, and give up? No. God desires us to keep seeking. To keep searching. But we can’t let our own arrogance get in the way and think “we have all the answers.” No one ever will. But God has given us critical thinking minds and has uniquely created each one of us, working through us in HIS unique ways. Granted we are all to stay within the principles of His Word. Yet God has given us all a calling – to bear His image, but has a unique individual plan in how we carry that out.
Sometimes we HAVE NO CLUE why God is working in a certain way.
I would’ve never thought God would bring us to where we are!
But let that draw us to our knees in complete surrender to His plan. In complete surrender realizing that HE is God, and we are not.