Standing For The Truth

I have struggled with the way people view the Bible.
Of course it is our greatest source, greatest comfort, and greatest map to life and yet I see Christianity taking what God has upheld in his Word, to mold it into the framework of their own thinking.
I often wonder what God thinks of us? God wrote this beautiful Book for us, with all that we need to know for salvation and right living in HIS eyes. Then since the beginning of time, all the way back to Adam and Eve, people have twisted what God has said and interpreted standards and expectations, differently than what he intended them to be. For instance, homosexuality. I know I’m opening up a hot topic, but I firmly believe the Bible is very clear on this. What did God INTEND? Not what’s happening right now. For this existed in Bible times as well and God made it very clear his intentions. He was the creator of the expectation, not us. So therefore, we are not in the place to change it. For in doing so, we elevate ourselves as god, blaspheming his name.
I know I would be rather livid if I set up a standard or expectation and someone kept twisting it to fit their framework! It wasn’t how I intended it. With that said, I’m not saying we should elevate one sin over another, though different sins have different consequences. ALL sin has consequences. What I am saying is that we can still stand firm on the Truth, while lovingly embracing those around us.
The Bible is filled with truth because it is the Truth. The very words of our Savior. We now have the privilege of choosing to give each moment of our lives to him, in delight. We waste our lives when we don’t allow God to permeate every aspect of our lives, and allow sin to creep in, ever so slightly. We need to bring what’s in the dark, into the light, so that He can shine HIS light into our lives. I’ve got sin in my life that I need to address daily. When I hold it up to the light of the Truth, I see how desperately I need my Savior.
But the more I read the Bible, the more I want my life to look like his. The more I see that bringing to light the untruths of this world, into the light of the Truth, is worth it. We are all about safety in this world (playgrounds even have age limits), and when I stay within the limits of Scripture, there is no safer place to be. Within the realm of his loving arms of the Truth.
And now God has given us the responsibility to share with the world, what THE TRUTH is. Are you proclaiming it boldly? Are you weaving God into everything that you do? Or are you wasting your life, chasing after the next ideology that seems more fitting to your frame of mind? We have this amazing privilege and honor of representing God. We have this beautiful gift, the Bible, that we can choose to make much of. Let’s not make him into something he is not and make him say something he didn’t. Stand for the TRUTH.