Stress-Free Back To School Prep: Clothing

Thinking about your kids going back to school (or maybe even yourself), can bring a wave of emotions. Maybe you are ready for the kids to get out of the house, out of your hair, and into a normal daily routine. Maybe you are loving every minute spent with your kids at home and dread the day you see the bus drive up and whisk your kids off to school.
Whatever the case or emotions may be, regardless, there is some form of back-to-school planning that needs to occur. In order to have a stress-free back to school “season”, you DREAM of having everything in order so that the first day of school isn’t filled with such angst.
Seems like a far-fetched dream, right? Well, I am going to take this time to help prepare you and your family to make this back-to-school season a BREEZE!
Take this time to clean out each closet and all of the drawers.

Look at EACH piece of clothing and decide:
- Has your child outgrown it? If so, can a sibling wear it?
- Is it worn out? Repairable?
- Does it match anything?

If you are looking to get organized this school year, the Back To School Printable Organizing Bundle is just what you need! It is filled with brand new printables are exclusive to this sale only. These are never before seen creations designed from nine of the most talented bloggers online. From menu planning, chores, and schedules, to first day of school pictures, labels and beyond. You will not see duplicate kits that have been featured in other bundle sales before. These are all brand new! From August 1st to the 9th, you will have a chance to purchase this organizing back-to-school bundle. You don’t want to miss out.
- A Bowl Full of Lemons – First Day of School Signs
- Clean Mama – School Information Kit
- Organizing Homelife -Homeschool Planner
- The Handmade Home – 25 Toy Organization Labels
- iHeart Organizing – Menu Planning Kit
- TomKat Studio – Lunch Box notes
- Simplify 101 – Back-to-School Planning Kit
- Modern Parents Messy Kids – Kids’ Responsibility & Money Management Kit
- Jones Design Company – K-12 School Memories Kit