Days 21-40

Day 28: Gift Cards

Day 28: Gift Cards

What: Gift Cards Why: 51 cents. 12 cents. Do these small numbers sound familiar? How many gift cards do you own that have just a few cents left on them? Or maybe you aren’t even sure what gift cards you even have or even where they all are! Though gift cards are a beautiful thing…

Day 27: Blankets

Day 27: Blankets

What: Blankets Why: Those blustery, cold winters can do a number to the heating bill. Whether you live in the north or the south, there is something about being wrapped in a blanket that offers a sense of comfort and relaxation. Blankets can even have sentimental value, such as afghans and quilted blankets. On the…

Day 26: Water Bottles

Day 26: Water Bottles

What: Water Bottle Why: There is a lot of debate about using plastic water bottles vs. reusable bottles. To use them or not to use them? Whatever you use, it is still easy to collect and store water bottles that you don’t need – this may even be the plastic ones. Time to clear the…

Day 25: Printed Pictures

Day 25: Printed Pictures

What: Printed Pictures Why: In yesterday’s post I talked about how to organize your digital pictures. Assuming that most of us still have printed pictures, it is easy to let them clutter our closets, boxes, and drawers. Albums are a great way to organize pictures, but sometimes there is not enough album space to put…

Day 24: Digital Pictures

Day 24: Digital Pictures

What: Pictures Why: Digital photography has been such a life-changer. No more wasted pictures. No need to get doubles of EVERY picture. The clutter is not in actual picture form anymore – but now the clutter is on our computers. What do you do with all of the pictures you have downloaded from your camera?…