
My #1 Decluttering Rule

My #1 Decluttering Rule

One of the ways I like to keep our home feeling well, like home, is to keep it decluttered. But with that said, the space between the walls of our home can get extremely cluttered at times! Just think about a rainy day. That right there will bring all of the items on our shelves…

Clutter Reality Check

In thinking about moving in a few months, I am realizing that my desire to live with less is where the rubber meets the road. I look around our home and wonder why I still have this? Why do I have so many of that item? Why have I not found a permanent home for…

How Limits Set Us Free

How Limits Set Us Free

  Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it? Just think about that for a second. No matter how much we have, no matter how much money we make, it is just never enough, is it? We are always wanting more. And More. And MORE. Think about your life. What have you bought,…