Gestational Carrier/Our Babies

Along For The Ride

Along For The Ride

What a week! We are still celebrating the fact that Brenda is pregnant – I know I may sound like a broken record, but after over 10 months of going through this process, this is truly something to celebrate. Not that it was a long road, but there was just so much that had to…

Babies Are A Growin’

The babies are GROWING! Though we weren’t as eager as we were on Wednesday to hear the news, when it hit about 12:30, I started to get a little anxious wondering what the results were of Brenda’s blood test today. Well, it was shortly after that, that Brenda called. We were looking at rubbermaid bins at…

Thanks For Today

First of all, we both want to thank you for the joy that you have shared with us in finding out that Brenda was pregnant yesterday! We were overwhelmed with the support and love that you all showed and continue to. We just keep going back to the fact that this is God’s story for…

The Rest Of The Story

The song “Blessed Be Your Name” has been a theme song for Dan and I for a few years now. This is a song that we blare when it comes on the radio and sing it at the top of our lungs. Yes, we are those “sing in the car” people. This song has been…

And the Results are In…

BRENDA IS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty much can’t believe I just typed that! BAAAHHH!!! So here’s how it went down: The clinic was going to call Brenda because she was the one having the blood test. Well, I was working today, so I told Dan that he could find out and then we could go to Tim…

Tomorrow Is THE Day!

Tomorrow is THE DAY folks! The day we find out if we are having kids! WOW is that wierd to say, but WOW is that exciting! Just so you know, we may not post what the results are til later in the afternoon or night because we may not find out til the afternoon. We know there…