Shot Update

What a whirlwind of a week! I am still taking my shots and still enjoying them! I am taking it around 6ish each night, which means I am not always home when I need to take it. That means I get to take the lovely orange disposal containter with me, along with all the supplies….

First Shot: CHECK

First Shot: CHECK

Call me wierd, but just thought I’d give ya a short update on today. First shot: CHECK. As 6:00pm was getting closer, I was getting more and more excited. Last night before we went to bed we both were geeked. Thankfully today we were extremely busy, which helped pass time. Seriously, why do they wait…

Project Baby Update

Dan and I just got back from another wonderful vacation with his family! It was great to spend some quality time with each other, spend time outdoors in God’s beautiful creation, and just relax. Dan and I were also able to spend some quality time with each other reflecting on what God has been doing…