
Day 30: Online Passwords

Day 30: Online Passwords

What: Online Passwords Why: Have you ever tried to login to an account and forget what password you used? Or even forget the username altogether? Or have you tried to retype the password over and over again to only learn that you locked up the account and now have to call the company and change your…

Day 28: Gift Cards

Day 28: Gift Cards

What: Gift Cards Why: 51 cents. 12 cents. Do these small numbers sound familiar? How many gift cards do you own that have just a few cents left on them? Or maybe you aren’t even sure what gift cards you even have or even where they all are! Though gift cards are a beautiful thing…

Day 25: Printed Pictures

Day 25: Printed Pictures

What: Printed Pictures Why: In yesterday’s post I talked about how to organize your digital pictures. Assuming that most of us still have printed pictures, it is easy to let them clutter our closets, boxes, and drawers. Albums are a great way to organize pictures, but sometimes there is not enough album space to put…