
Yes, Me Too!

The gift of relationships and relating. Over the past year, I have had countless conversations with other mothers, asking about any question you could think of. I must say I don’t have much of a filter when it comes to asking questions, but I have learned that the best relationships I have, are with those…

Oh To Be Vulnerable

Do you ever feel out of control? I do. I am a person who likes to have it all together. I like to have my house somewhat put together, I like to have things organized, I like to look halfway decent, and again, I do not like clutter. I like to feel in control. I…

It’s Really Okay

I had all these grand ideas of how I was going to be the perfect stay-at-home-mom. As much as didn’t/don’t want to admit it, we go into parenthood with expectations. I made the mistake of telling Dan that I didn’t really have any expectations, but the more I thought about it, I so did! I…