Simple Life

Dealing With Life Envy

Dealing With Life Envy

We all do it, whether we realize it or not. We have all, at some point, in some way, wished our lives looked like someone else’s. That is what I like to call: LIFE ENVY. Have you ever read a post on Facebook, a blog, saw pictures on Instagram, or read a book or magazine,…

Redefining Success

Redefining Success

I am a do-er. I love to check things off a list. I love to write lists for that matter. I love to go to bed at night thinking about all that I accomplished. I love looking back on the day and seeing the physical things I did. To actually see my progress. That is…

Why I Shop At Aldi

Why I Shop At Aldi

Aldi has changed my life. Really. When we moved to Minnesota 2 years ago, I knew our grocery bill would look different. I did not realize that it would more than DOUBLE. Believe it or not, we do not budget. Well, we don’t budget in the sense of keeping a detailed record of what and…